My Kopi O - Grand City

Kopi O - Traditional Coffee in Mall

My Kopi-O

Sebelum demam Kopitiam melanda Surabaya, ada satu gerai warung kopi, My Kopi-O yang megawalinya dengan membuka gerai kopi nuansa tradisional, ala Kopitiam di mall-mall terkemuka Surabaya. Salah satunya yang pernah saya review sebelumnya adalah cabang di Kopi O - Ciputra World, yang mempopulerkan minuman Kopi Tarik.

Long before Bangli Kopitiam start opening shop, the Kopitiam craze in Surabaya already started. One of the pioneer is Kopi-O, which open it stalls in various popular malls in Surabaya. One of their branch that I've reviewed before is Kopi O - Ciputra World, they were quite popular for their Kopi Tarik.

Curry Laksa Udon

Walaupun temanya kopitiam biasanya lebih mengutamakan di minuman dibanding makanan, menurut saya Kopi-O ini malah lebih menarik di pilihan makanannya dibanding minumannya. Maklum, untuk urusan kopi saya termasuk agak rewel, dan di sini kadang ada saat kopinya enak, ada juga saat agak kurang pas, jadi untuk penggemar kopi sejati kemungkinan besar akan lebih puas di kafe.
Walau untuk kopi termasuk mediocre, tapi untuk urusan makanan di sini cukup lezat.
Harganya tidak terlampau mahal, variasi menunya banyak dan porsinya cukup mengenyangkan.

The Term Kopitiam usually means the eatery put emphasize on beverage rather than food. but that's not the case here. My favorite drink here isn't the coffee, instead it's the smoothies that's served in small rectangular glass. I'm a bit picky about coffee, and for me, the coffee here isn't consistent enough to be my favorite. Sometime the coffee taste quite nice, too bad that's not always the case. For the coffee lover you'd be better off in regular cafes.
Though the coffee not so great, food is another matter. Here they serve good variety of food, with decent price and quite generous portion.

Tofu with Apple Salad

Salah satu menu yang paling disukai oleh saya dan teman-teman saat berkunjung ke sana adalah Tahu Goreng disertai salad apel ini. Rasanya pas, ada asam kecut dan segar, berpadu dengan rasa gurih tahu dengan sedikit rasa karamel. 

One of the menu that all of us like is this tofu with apple salad. We all like it so much that we wanted to order seconds, that's before we finished our main course, where we ended up being too full :p
The tangy sweet taste of the apple and caramel sauce balanced well against the deep fried tofu.


My Kopi-O , Japanese Curry Tofu & Mushroom Rice

Chicken Katsu

Hainanese BBQ Chicken Rice - Rp 30.800

Menu :
My Kopi-O Menu

My Kopi-O Menu

My Kopi-O Menu

My Kopi-O Menu

My Kopi-O Menu

My Kopi-O! Grand City
3rd Floor unit 3.23
Jl. Gubeng Pojok 1, Surabaya
Ph./fax. 031-5240.5918
