Antica Osteria Surabaya

For The Pasta Lovers

Antica Osteria - Surabaya

Lokasi resto ini terletak di jalan Sriwijaya, di antara pasar Keputran dan jalan Polisi Istimewa. Di lokasi yang sama dengan kafe Cangkir Sawunggaling. Untuk yang sekedar lewat mungkin tidak melihat resto satu ini, karena posisinya tusuk sate dan dekat dengan belokan ke arah jalan Keputran. Saya setiap minggu beberapa kali melewati tempat ini, tapi tidak menyadari ada resto, baru setelah diajak teman berkunjung ke sini dan mulai mencari baru sadar ada resto menarik di tempat ini.

Berikut ada review yang lebih baru di sini  :

This restaurant is located in Sriwijaya street, near Sriwijaya Fried Chicken, in a road near Polisi Istimewa street and Keputran Market. If you're not paying particular attention while passing by, most likely you'll miss the place, since it's in the intersection and right on the turn of the road, so it would be hard to look around.

Here's the lastes review of the restaurant :

Antica Osteria Surabaya

Bar Area

Antica Osteria - Dining Area

Suasananya cukup cozy, saat berkunjung ke sini tempatnya cukup sepi, tapi tidak terasa lengang karena banyak sekat membatasi antar ruang tanpa menimbulkan kesan sempit.

The place is quite nice, when I visited here, the place was a bit vacant, but that didn't affect the atmosphere at all. There's plenty of partitions that gives definitions to the room without making it feel cramped.

Complimentary Bread Stick with Pesto & Tomato Garlic Sauce

Antica Osteria, Cannelloni Ricotta e Spinaci - Rp 65.000

Antica Osteria, Pizza Margherita - Rp 55.000

Antica Osteria,  Melanzana ala Parmidia - Rp 45.000

Pappardelle Antica Osteria - Rp 110.000

Olahan masakan Italianya di sini lumayan enak, semua pastanya ok, terutama hidangan melanzana-nya
Sayangnya untuk pizza, rasanya sedikit di bawah resto itali sejenis. Saya masih lebih menyukai pizza di Casa Fontana, Capri maupun La Rucolla.

Their Italian Cuisine is quite refined, with tasty pasta dishes and interesting condiments included. I really enjoy the Melanzana in particular. Too bad the pizza is not on par with their pastas. I enjoy their the pizza from their

Ice Lemon Tea

Ice Lemon Squash

Antica Osteria - Birramisu
Sempat bingung dengan nama hidangan yang satu ini, biasanya kan Tiramisu, tapi yang satu ini dinamakan Birramisu.
Ternyata ada beda resep antara keduanya, kalau Tiramisu menggunakan kopi, Biiramisu menggunakan Stout Coffee untuk campurannya.

 This dessert is strangely named Birramisu, which at first I thought as a misspelling of Tiramisu.  Turns out it's a variant of Tiramisu, with a twist in ingredients, instead of using plain coffee, it uses coffee-stout.
Here is a description taken from another blog :

This bizarre yet phenomenally delicious but not your everyday-run-of-the-mill tiramisu recipe is made without the traditional coffee, however it is infused with homebrewed coffee stout, and added hazelnut and amaretto liqueurs. The beer used in this recipe—technically named “Cluster Fuggle Stout Birramisu”—was generously provided by Settle Down Beer. The home brewers are Robert Anderson Jr. and Giovanni Albanese Jr.
Truth-be-told, though I love a good cup of Java, I have never been crazy about the coffee flavor in tiramisu. Go figure?! “But what is a tiramisu if not flavored with coffee!” so my son in-law Giovanni enlightens me. He is, after all, a first generation Italian American—and of course he’d know better, and how could I argue? So at the behest of my son in-law and my son, Robert, the home brewers, I was challenged to create a tiramisu using their homebrewed coffee stout. They also requested that I leave out the heavy taste of alcohol (which I really like).

Antica Osteria, Semifreddo alla Fragole - Rp 35.000

Taste              :  4  / 5 

Atmosphere         :  3  / 5

Service            :  4  / 5

Value              :  3  / 5
Map / Peta :

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 Antica Osteria

Jalan Sriwijaya 22, Surabaya
Phone :   031-77788866
