Dunia Steak - Rungkut

Affordable Wagyu Steak

Dunia Steak - Rungkut
Dunia Steak, resto yang dahulu ada di jalan Dharmahusada Indah Timur, satu deretan dengan Galaxy Mall, ke arah resto Sederhana / Merr.
Salah satu menu unggulannya adalah Wagyu steak-nya, yang harganya termasuk miring untuk kelas Wagyu, dan menu-menu steak reguler yang juga terjangkau.

Dunia Steak is a restaurant that specializes in selling affordable steak with decent taste. It used to have a branch in Dharmahusada Indah Timur street, the same street as Galaxy Mall.
I've reviewed the old place a few times, in case you want to read about it, please click this link : 
Their notable dish is the Wagyu Steak, which is priced competitively, and there are regular steaks which prices are quite affordable.

Dunia Steak - Rungkut

Saat di Dharmahusada dahulu tempatnya menjadi satu dengan kantor pemasaran real estate, saat itu relatif tidak terlalu ramai karena mungkin beberapa hal. Bisa karena masakannya tidak cocok dengan target market di lokasi, bisa juga karena tempatnya tidak terlalu nyaman.
Yang pasti di Rungkut ini nasibnya lebih baik, dari 2x kunjungan ke sini tempatnya selalu terisi penuh.

On their previous location, business was mediocre at best. They were sharing the place with a real estate office back then. Two reasons comes to mind, either their dish weren't suited to the general market in the area, or the place wasn't comfortable enough.
Their new branch in Rungkut in the other hand is usually packed, out of my 2 visits here, the place is always teeming with diners.

Dunia Steak - Rungkut

Complimentary Fruit Salad - Dunia Steak

Dunia Steak - Rungkut - Pumpkin Soup

Dunia Steak - BBQ Chicken & Mushroom Pizza (Rp 38.500)
Kafe yang baru-baru bisa belajar dari dunia steak, di sini pizza nya disajikan dengan harga yang terjangkau dan rasa yang cukup enak. Sore hari ini baru saja mencoba 4 cheese pizza seharga Rp 45.000 di kafe baru di daerah ruko pakuwon square, dan rasanya bumi langit dibanding pizza satu ini.

Newly opened cafes can learn a thing or two from this place.
They serve an affordable price, yet tasty pizza here, unlike some new places that serves subpar pizza for similar price. I just tried a 4 cheese pizza dish on a newly opened cafe in the western part of surabaya, Ruko Pakwuon Square, and it taste nothing like this tasty pizza here.

Dunia Steak - Chicken Wing

Dunia Steak - Beef Ribs Steak

Dunia Steak - Charboil Konro Ribs (Rp 80.000)
Steak Konro ini salah satu menu andalan baru di sini, tapi untuk selera saya, rasanya termasuk biasa saja, masih lebih suka beef ribsnya yang lebih empuk.

Their beef Konro steak is one of their new signature dish, but for my money, I prefer the regular beef ribs which is more tender.

Dunia Steak - Salmon Steak (Rp 60.000)

Salmon Steak, ikan Salmon biasanya butuh kesegaran yang prima, dan di tempat ini mungkin kebetulan tidak terlalu populer, jadi rasa ikannya tidak seenak yang kita harapkan.

Salmon, like other fish meat, usually need to be fresh to be delicious. Probably here it's a bit unpopular, so we didn't get a fresh enough fish, and it ended up not as good as what we expected.

+3 Wagyu Tenderloin & Tiger Prawn (Rp 125.000) Dunia Steak
Setelah mencoba beberapa menu di sini, sebagian terasa enak sedangkan lainnya biasa-biasa. 
Kunjungan berikut ke sini kemungkinan besar saya akan pesan pizza dan wagyu steaknya saja, dua menu yang bisa dijadikan langganan.

Some of the dish here are a winner, but some are just so-so.
On my next visit here I'll probably just stick to the Wagyu Steaks and Pizzas. Two menu that's so far never failed to impress me.

Menu :

Dunia Steak Menu

Dunia Steak Menu

Dunia Steak Menu

Dunia Steak Menu

Dunia Steak Menu

Dunia Steak

Alamat : Jalan Raya Rungkut Madya No. 51, Jawa Timur 60293, Indonesia
Telepon :+62 31 8722871
