Bello Bella Hotel - Kuala Lumpur

Nice Boutique Hotel 20 Minutes in Cheras

Bella Bello Boutique Hotel - Kuala Lumpur

Lebaran lalu saya berkesempatan mencoba hotel Boutique baru di Kuala Lumpur, Bella Bello hotel.
Lokasinya ada di daerah Cheras, yang berdekatan dengan Terminal Berpadu Selatan di Kuala Lumpur. Lokasinya sendiri tidak termasuk tengah kota, tapi tidak sulit untuk mencapai tempat ini, selain dengan cara paling mudah via uber / grab / taxi, bisa juga dengan kendaraan bis umum.

Last Eid Holiday, I got the chance to visit a lovely Boutique Hotel in Kuala Lumpur, Bella Bello Hotel.
It's located in the outskirt of Kuala Lumpur, Cheras area. This area is near Terminal Berpadu Selatan, a big station about 20 minutes out of KL Central.

Bella Bello Boutique Hotel (Kuala Lumpur) - Complimentary Coffee

How To Get Here?

Untuk bisa ke sini dari Bandara, ada beberapa pilihan, bisa dengan memakai Taxi / Uber, tarifnya sekitar MYR 90 atau Rp 290.000, paling mudah karena langsung sampai di hotelnya, tapi juga mahal.
Alternatif lain bisa dengan menggunakan KLIA Ekspress ke TBS, biaya 50 MYR (Sekitar Rp 165.000) per orang dan waktu tempuh 30 menit.
Cara termurah dengan bis Jet Bus, dari lantai dasar KLIA2 ke TBS (Terminal Berpadu Selatan) biaya hanya 10 MYR (sekitar Rp 33.000) per orang, dengan jangka waktu 1 jam.
Setelah sampai di TBS cukup melanjutkan via uber / taxi, tidak terlalu mahal, cukup siapkan 10 MYR (Rp 33.000) sudah sampai di depan Bella Bello Hotel.
Kalau pembaca belum pernah pakai Uber, bisa click logo uber di bawah tulisan ini untuk mendapat kredit Uber gratis.

Upon arrival from KLIA Airport, you have plenty of option to reach the hotel. The easiest way is of course just taking Taxi or Uber, but this would cost the most, at least MYR 90 when using Uber, and even more with taxi.
Second option is to use public tranport to get to TBS (Terminal Berpadu Selatan), which can be reached either using MRT or Bus. The MRT option is KLIA Ekspress, costing MYR 50 on a quick 30 minutes ride.
Using bus, by Jet Bus, you can go to the ground floor of KLIA2, get a bus ticket for MYR 10 per person, and the ride would be 1 hour.
After reaching TBS you just need to fork out an extra 10 MYR to get to the hotel using Uber.
If you're new to Uber, be sure to click the picture below to get free credit for your first ride.


Bella Bello Boutique Hotel - Kuala Lumpur
Kita menginap di dua kamar berbeda di sini, yang satu tipe Deluxe dan lainnya Premier.
Beda utamanya ada di pemandangan / jendela, tipe Deluxe tidak ada jendela, sedangkan tipe premier ada jendela dengan pemandangan ke jalan di dalam kompleks ruko.
Kamar Deluxe per malamnya dihargai sekitar MYR 150 (Rp 490.000) sedangkan kamar Premier MYR 200 (Rp 650.000)

There's two type of room that we stayed in, one is Deluxe, the other is Premier Room.
The main differences are room size, and the availability of window.
Deluxe room is priced at about MYR 150, whilst the Premier is more expensive at MYR 200.

Deluxe Room

Bella Bello Hotel Deluxe Room

Bella Bello Hotel - Deluxe Room

Bella Bello Hotel Deluxe Room - Safety Deposit Box & Mini Fridge
Bella Bello Hotel KL Coffee & Tea


Bella Bello Hotel KL - Bathroom
Kamar mandinya cukup lega, ada bath tub dengan ukuran separuh, yang cukup untuk berendam tanpa bisa telentang penuh. Tetap nyaman walau ukurannya tidak terlalu besar, terutama karena desainnya yang cantik.

The bathroom is quite big for the room size, there's a half size bath tub to soak away your tiredness. It's still comfy, mainly due to the beautiful design and attention to details.

Bella Bello Hotel KL - Bathroom

'Souvenir' Price List

Complimentary Water - Bella Bello Hotel

 Bella Bello Hotel

Deluxe Room

Bella Bello Hotel Deluxe Room - Premiere Room

Berhubung sebulan sebelumnya menginap di hotel tanpa jendela yang agak kurang ok, di Fragrance Riverside Singapore, saya sempat mengira bakal lebih cocok jauh dengan tipe Premier di sini,
Ternyata saya malah lebih suka dengan kamar Deluxe nya yang tidak ada jendela. Selain karena terasa lebih privat, juga lebih hening tanpa ada suara-suara dari jalan yang biasanya bisa masuk sedikit dari jendela.

Since I did stayed on a business trip in a uncomfortable windowless hotel room in Clark Quay Singapore, I had a assumption that the Premier room here would be much more comfortable compared to the windowless Deluxe.
It turns out to be the opposite. I liked their windowless room better since it feel more private, and there's no street sound to speak of.

Bella Bello Hotel Deluxe Room - Premiere Room

Bella Bello Hotel Deluxe Room - Premiere Room

Bella Bello Hotel Deluxe Room - Premiere Room

Bella Bello Hotel Deluxe Room - Premiere Room

Bella Bello Hotel Deluxe Room - Premiere Room View

Bella Bello Hotel Deluxe Room - Premiere Room

Fragrance River Side - For Comparison Purpose

Fragrance River Side

Fragrance River Side
Kalau dibandingkan dengan Fragrance, kenyamanannya jauh lebih ok di Bella Bello hotel. Harganya pun juga lebih murah jauh, berhubung Singapura memang segalanya lebih mahal. Biaya menginap di Fragrance sekitar 2x lipat lebih mahal dibandingkan Bella Bello Hotel.
Bisa coba search di toolbar agoda yang ada di side bar blog ini kalau penasaran dengan Fragrance.
Atau silakan gunakan link ini : Agoda - Fragrance Riverside

In comparison to Fragrance, Bella Bello feels much more comfortable. Price wise it's also much more affordable, since Singapore itself is an expensive city-country. It costs about twice more expensive than Bella Bello Hotel to stay in Fragrance.
If you're curious about Fragrance hotel, you can try a search in the Agoda Toolbar on the sidebar of this blog.
Or you can just click this link : 
Agoda - Fragrance Riverside


Bella Bello Hotel Deluxe Room - Premiere Room Bathroom

Bella Bello Hotel Deluxe Room - Premiere Room Bathroom
Kamar Mandinya sama persis di kamar Premier dan Deluxe, untuk memberi kesan lega, dinding pemisah antara kamar mandi dan kamar tidur menggunakan kaca. Tidak perlu khawatir malu, karena ada tirai yang bisa dipasang saat ingin menggunakan kamar mandi.

The bathroom is identical in both Premier and Deluxe room, it uses window for partition between the bathroom and bedroom. No need to be hesitant staying here if you're a shy person, since there's a curtain you can pull down on this window partition, when you need to have privacy.

Bella Bello Hotel Deluxe Room - Premiere Room

Common Area

Bella Bello Hotel - Free Tea and Coffee in Lobby

Bella Bello Hotel - Lobby and Common Dining Area
Desain hotel ini sangatlah cantik, dan menjadi alasan utama kita untuk menginap di sini. Walaupun areanya tidak termasuk tengah kota dan ada di kompleks ruko, kemudahan mencari tumpangan via Uber membuat perjalanan harian dari tempat ini ke tengah kota KL terasa mudah dan nyaman.
Kalau ke sini pada hari Jumat, di dekat hotel ada Night Market, pasar malam dengan street food yang lengkap, ditambah beberapa penjual pernak pernik fashion dan aksesori gadget, yang ulasannya akan saya post di blog ini beberapa minggu ke depan.

The hotel design is the primary reason for us choosing this accommodation. Though it's quite off the beaten path, and located in Soho area, it didn't impact much on the stay quality. Having Uber apps is also a God-send, which makes daily commute to central KL a breeze.
If you're planing to stay here, do try the Friday Night Market, just in the corner near this hotel. 
It's has plenty of delicious street foods and small fashion accessories, sampling the food itself is one of the highlight of our vacation. Be sure to tune in to this blog, I'll be posting about it in the following weeks.

Cheras Night Market - Stir Fry Chef in action

Cheras Night Market - Siumay

Bella Bello Hotel - Lobby

Bella Bello Hotel - Coffee Maker in Lobby

Bella Bello Hotel - Coffee Maker in Lobby

Bella Bello Hotel

Bella Bello Hotel

Bella Bello Hotel

Address: 19, Jalan Manis 6, Taman Segar, 56100 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Phone: +60 3-9130 3388

Booking : Bella Bello Hotel
