Tampopo Deli - Liang Court Singapore

Simple yet Tasty Japanese Dishes

Tampopo Deli - Beef Udon (S$ 9.5)

Minggu lalu saya menghabiskan 6 hari di Singapura untuk perjalanan bisnis. Lokasi tinggalnya ada di dekat Clarke Quay yang di dekatnya ada banyak kantor beberapa bank.
Liang Court ini adalah salah satu mall yang saya lewati ketika harus ke Battery Road.

Last week I spent about 6 days in Singapore for a business trip. 
I stayed along the Clarke Quay area, since it's close to where I needed to do some work, on the financial center around Battery Rd and Chulia Street.

Tampopo Deli - Liang Court Singapore

Liang Court sebetulnya saya lewati setiap pagi saat ke daerah finansial di Battery Rd, tapi saya jarang tertarik untuk makan di sini karena biasanya sudah terlanjur makan pagi di hotel, sedangkan kalau sore ke sini sudah lewat jam makan.
Kebetulan salah satu teman saya yang rumahnya di daerah Ang Mo Kio malah mengajak ke sini, dan tempat ini salah satu favoritnya untuk Udon dan Pudding Custard.

Liang Court is one of the mall I passby every morning, since it's on the route from my hotel to the financial district. I haven't been tempted to eat here at all, since the timing were a bit off for dining. It's both too early for lunch or dinner, on my daily commute.
Luckily a friend who's living in Ang Mo Kio area invited me to try this place, so here we are at the Tampopo Deli, which is one of his fave for Udon and Custard Pudding.

Tampopo Deli - Beef Udon (S$ 9.5)
 Dua menu Udon yang kita coba lumayan enak, menurut teman saya yang penduduk Singapura, tempat ini dahulu malah lebih enak lagi Udonnya, sekarang sudah ada penurunan. Walau demikian menurut saya tetap cukup ok lah, setara dengan Marugame Udon di Surabaya.

This two Udon we tried were quite good, though my friend said that this place was even better in the old days. For me it's still quite good, on par with Marugame Udon branch in Surabaya.

Tampopo Deli -  Kitsune Udon (S$ 7.5)

Tampopo Deli - Coffee Pudding (S$ 3.8)
 Untuk penggemar pudding, wajib coba coffee puddingnya ini, rasanya pas, tidak terlalu manis. Sempat mencoba dua pudding, Coffee dan Custard, kalau disuruh memilih satu, lebih cocok dengan yang kopi ini, karena custardnya kadang terasa terlalu manis.

For the dessert lovers, you gotta try this coffee pudding, it have a nice balanced taste.
We tried two puddings, custard and coffee, and if I had to choose, I'd go with the coffee, since the custard pudding can sometime taste too sweet.

Tampopo Deli Menu

Tampopo Deli

Address: River Valley Rd, Liang Court, Singapore 179030
Phone: +65 6338 7386

Hours: Open today · 10AM–9PM
