Singapore Food Street - A Foodcourt in Changi Airport

Changi Popular Food Court

Singapore Food Street
Akhir-akhir ini saya lumayan sering ke Changi, dan sebabnya pun klasik, kalau tidak karena alasan pekerjaan, ya liburan :D
Setelah sebelumnya membahas tentang foodcourt di Terminal 2 (bisa dibaca di sini :, kali ini saya mencoba tempat serupa di Terminal 3 

Lately I've been frequenting this famous airport a lot. The reasons are pretty straight forward, either business or leisure.
Last time I've posted about the food court in Terminal 2 (please visit this link for the post : Terminal 2 Food Court), this time I'm having lunch in a similar place in next door Terminal 3.

Singapore Food Street

Singapore Food Street - Paying Card
Berbeda dengan di food court T2 yang cara pembayarannya standard, di sini perlu mendapatkan kartu ini sebelum bisa memesan.
Cara mendapatkannya dengan membayar ke kasir sejumlah uang, bisa tunai atau kartu kredit, lalu kita mendapatkan kartu yang berisi saldo ini. Selanjutnya tinggal memesan seperti biasa ke gerai makanan.
Kalau di akhir masih ada sisa saldo, bisa dimintakan tunai ke kasir kelebihannya.

 It's a different take from the T2, where you just pay the bill in the cashier, here you get this card to aid payments. First you deposite a certain amount of cash, or by using credit card, and then you can order as you would in regular food court.
If there's leftover credit in the card, it will be given back to you in cash.

Singapore Food Street - Cashier

Singapore Food Street - Odeon Beef Noodles

Singapore Food Street - Uncle Lai

Singapore Food Street - Tak Shing Fried Rice & Noodles

Singapore Food Street

Tempatnya cukup nyaman, dan tampilan tenant-tenantnya juga menarik. Biasanya tempat ini cukup ramai, banyak pengunjung yang tertarik ke foodcourt ini karena letaknya strategis, lebih gampang terlihat dibandingkan foodcourt di terminal 2 ini  

The place is quite comfortable and the tenants have a nicely themed decor. I'd say this place trumps the T2 in terms of atmosphere.
It's also busier in my experience, since this T3 food court is conveniently placed, and much easier to find in comparison to T2 food court.

Changi Singapore Food Street - Set Duo Chicken Rice (S$ 9)

Changi Singapore Food Street - Set Duo Chicken Rice (S$ 9)
Saya memesan Nasi Ayam Hainan ini (atau chicken rice). Harganya tidak mahal untuk ukuran airport, tapi sayang rasanya tidak terlalu enak.
Mengingat Changi termasuk bandara internasional yang sangat ramai dan melayani tamu dari seluruh bagian bumi, saya rasa memang cukup beralasan kalau makanan yang disajikan di sini tidak terlalu 'nendang'.
Sayangnya untuk saya jadi tidak ada nikmatnya makan di sini. Sudah saya coba memperbaiki rasa dengan menambahkan kecap, jahe dan sambal, tapi tetap saja rasanya so-so doang.

I ordered this Chicken Rice menu. It isn't expensive for airport standard, but the taste wasn't to my liking. It's just too bland.. and no matter how many soy sauce and chili I put in to, it still just meh tasting.
I guess it's a matter of taste, since Changi is a place of international travel, they would have to cater to broad ranging taste bud. In that sense, making a food a tad plain would suits more people, especially for westerners.

Chili and Ginger for Chicken Rice

Changi Singapore Food Street - Gong Bao Fried Rice  (S$ 12.90)

Changi Singapore Food Street - Gong Bao Fried Rice  (S$ 12.90)
Menu berikutnya Gong Bao Fried Rice.  Walau tampilannya kelihatan penuh warna, ditambah kecap yang gelap dan banyak paprika, lombok dan warna warni, tapi rasanya hambar. Mirip seperti makanan kafe yang biasanya agak aneh kalau dibandingkan masakan resto.
Yang saya sukai dari tempat ini malah saus sambalnya, rasanya lebih nendang dibandingkan sambal di stall Chicken Rice sebelumnya.

The Gong Bao Fried Rice were similarly bland. It's a strange experience eating this. From the picture, you'd guess that this is full of flavors, but in reality, it tastes similar to those run of the mill food you'd find in cafes.
What I do like from the particular stall that sells this dish, is the chili. It tastes much tastier in comparison to the chili in Chicken Rice stall.

Berhubung masih jarang ke Changi saat itu, saya tidak tahu kalau ternyata ada tempat makan yang jauh lebih menarik untuk selera saya dibandingkan food court maupun resto di bandara ini, dan itu adalah, Staff Canteen :)
Sayangnya saya tidak sempat ulas minggu ini, karena setelah ujian PPAT dan pemeriksaan tahunan PPAT / Notaris, saya masih harus ke Singapura beberapa hari, jadi post tentang canteen legendaris ini saya akan post di minggu berikutnya

At the time, I hadn't explored Changi much, so I didn't know that there's a really well known eatery that people loved, The Staff Canteen.
Turns out it was more to my liking, the price are cheaper, and the food are spicy too. It's very similar eating experience with those in Singapore's famous Hawker Centers.
Sadly I'm pressed for time this week, having had a series of Notary exam, annual inspection by our supervisory board, and a quick trip to Singapore for a few days. I'll post more about this legendary eatery in the following week.

Staff Canteen in Changi elevator
Deskripsi pendek tentang staff canteen ini untuk yang kebetulan minggu ini ke Changi, letaknya ada di T1, ya hanya Terminal 1, yang terminal lain antara belum pernah ada atau masih tutup jadi tidak perlu dicari dulu, saya sempat 2 jam muter-muter karena baca deskripsi tentang staff canteen yang sudah kadaluwarsa.
Cara ke sini cukup ke T1 lalu ke ujung terminal, di belakang counter 12 di bagian kedatangan, akan ketemu lift. Nah silakan ke Lift ini untuk mencapai Staff Canteen.

For a short guide on how to find this place, it's in Terminal 1.
Forget other blogs and yelp etc that says there's Canteen Staff in other Terminal. I wasted 2 hours reading out-dated review / guides and trying to find Staff Canteen in T2.
To get to the canteen, go to the far corner of T2, behind counter 12 (arrival) there's an elevator. Use this elevator to get to the famous canteen.

Lift to Staff Canteen (Terminal 1 Singapore)
Kalau pembaca baru datang di Changi, untuk bisa ke sini perlu keluar dulu dari Imigrasi dan Baggage claim. Istilah kerennya ini bagian "land side" alias tempat pengunjung bisa mengakses secara bebas.

If you just arrive in Changi, to get here you'd need to clear baggage claim and immigration check first. It's located in the land-side of Changi T1.

Complete Chicken & Pork Dish - S$ 8

Singapore Food Street

Changi Terminal 3
