Roti Andalas - Malang

Malang's Old Favorite

Roti Andalas
Salah satu toko roti yang cukup tenar dan sudah berusia lebih tua dari penulis, inilah toko roti Andalas yang terletak di daerah pecinan Malang. Walaupun lebih sederhana dari Toko Roti Sanitas Semarang toko Andalas ini juga tidak kalah dari segi rasa dan kepopuleran.

One of Malang famous bakery, which is an old favorite here. This shop have been in business for a very long time, which is even older than me according to my friend :). The store could seem a bit dated, in comparison with another similar bakery in Semarang,  Toko Roti Sanitas, but both are popular in it's on way.

Toko Roti Andalas - Malang
Toko roti satu ini terletak di daerah pecinan yang sekarang berdiri ruko berderet. Bangunannya cukup kuno dengan interior serta lemari kayu dan display case aluminium khas tahun 90 an. Lemari kayunya mengingatkan saya pada toko-toko obat cina di sekitar Jagalan.

The decor is quite dated, with aluminium display case which reminds me of the 90s and some wooden racks that seems to came from colonial time :D. I've seen similar racks from those old Chinese apothecary in Surabaya Chinatowns.

Toko Roti Andalas - Malang

Toko Roti Andalas - Malang
Sosis Broodjes ini salah satu favorit saya saat mencoba roti di sana, rasanya gurih, legit jadi satu,, yummy.

This Sosis Broodjes is one of my favorite, a bread which seems to originated from dutch influence in colonial time. Tastes savory and crispy with crunchy texture and delicious meat filling.

Toko Roti Andalas - Malang
Untuk penggemar roti resep kuno, tempat ini layak dikunjungi. Harganya memang tidak murah tapi termasuk cocok dengan kualitas yang ditawarkan.

For those who are fond of this old style recipe of baking, this place definitely would be a good culinary destination. The price are moderate, close to what you'd pay in popular modern bakery in malls. Though a bit more expensive than typical bakery of this style, it's still a good value considering the quality.

Map :

Toko Roti Andalas

Jl. Kawi Atas 5A, Malang
0341 - 553392
