Sheraton Kafe Bromo - East Java Corner

Sheraton's Kafe Bromo

Tari Remo - Kafe Bromo Sheraton Surabaya
Kali ini kita mendapat undangan untuk melihat acara East Java Corner di Kafe Bromo Sheraton, yang diadakan dalam rangka hari jadi Kota Surabaya yang ke-723

Tonight we were attending an event on Sheraton's Kafe Bromo. They were having a buffet corner , commemorating the 723rd anniversary of Surabaya City.

East Java Corner - Kafe Bromo Sheraton Surabaya
Pilihan menunya menarik, ada rujak cingur, semanggi (yang mulai agak langka), mendol dan banyak menu tradisional lainnya.
Menarik untuk yang ingin mencicipi hidangan tradisional Indonesia tapi tidak ingin resiko dengan kebersihan tempat makan.

There's plenty of traditional dishes such as Rujak Cingur, Semanggi, Mendol, and many other dishes.
This is a great alternative for those wanting to sample local Surabaya cuisine without having to worry about the dining place's hygiene.

East Java Corner - Kafe Bromo Sheraton Surabaya

Semanggi - Kafe Bromo Sheraton Surabaya
Biasanya rasa masakan Indonesia versi hotel tidak terlalu mirip dengan yang ada di warung / resto, kalau yang di Kafe Bromo tidak demikian, rasanya enak tapi tidak terlalu menyimpang dari yang otentik.

Usually when you have some traditional dishes in hotels, chance are it's gonna sucks, or at least if it's good tasting, the style is miles away from the original ones. Fortunately that wasn't the case here, the traditional dish both tastes good and true to it's roots.

Sup Buntut - Kafe Bromo Sheraton Surabaya
Jangan lupa untuk mencoba Sup Buntutnya kalau tersedia di menu buffet. Rasanya enak dan aromanya pun pas, tidak terlalu berminyak juga. Ditambah sambal citarasanya cocok dengan selera Surabaya yang doyan rasa nendang.

Be sure to try their Oxtail Soup when it's on the buffet menu. It tastes delicious, and balanced nicely with the spiciness of the chilli / sambal sauce given. 

Sambal Uleg - Kafe Bromo Sheraton Surabaya

Tari Remo

Tari Remo - Kafe Bromo Sheraton Surabaya
Sesuai dengan tema hari jadi Surabaya dan East Java Corner, pada malam ini diadakan pentas tari remo dua kali, pertama di bagian depan Kafe Bromo, dan setelahnya di dining area.

In line with the evening theme, Kafe Bromo held a dance performance. It's a traditional Remo Dance, and it was performed twice, once in the front of Kafe Bromo, and then moving in to the dining area.

Tari Remo - Kafe Bromo Sheraton Surabaya

Tari Remo - Kafe Bromo Sheraton Surabaya

Tari Remo - Kafe Bromo Sheraton Surabaya

Rujak Cingur - Kafe Bromo Sheraton Surabaya

Jajan Pasar - Kafe Bromo Sheraton Surabaya

Gulai - Kafe Bromo Sheraton Surabaya

Indonesian Dessert Station - Kafe Bromo Sheraton Surabaya

Mendol - Kafe Bromo Sheraton Surabaya

Kacang Hijau - Kafe Bromo Sheraton Surabaya

Jamu Beras Kencur - Kafe Bromo Sheraton Surabaya

Seafood Appetizers - - Kafe Bromo Sheraton Surabaya
Untuk yang seleranya lebih ke international buffet tidak perlu khawatir, ada juga banyak pilihan menu lain yang bisa dicoba, salah satunya appetizer ini, ada pilihan caesar salad yang lezat, dan seafood segar.

For those with international buffet menu in mind, they also serves plenty of other cuisines at the table. The appetizers consists of delicious caesar salad, fresh seafood and other delicious morsels.

Cold Meat Appetizer - Kafe Bromo Sheraton Surabaya

Anchovy - Kafe Bromo Sheraton Surabaya

Roast Duck - Kafe Bromo Sheraton Surabaya

Grilled Red Snapper - Kafe Bromo Sheraton Surabaya
Salah satu station yang selalu menarik untuk dikunjungi adalah grilled / rotisserie meat nya, biasanya selalu ada salah satu dari meatloaf, roast duck atau chicken. Kali ini pertama kali saya melihat ikan kakap besar yang dipanggang utuh dan disajikan oleh koki langsung. Menarik dari segi presentasi maupun rasa

One of the station that's always interesting for me is the grilled / rotisserie meat station. The usual dishes being served here are meatloaf, roast duck and chicken. Tonight it's the first time I'm seeing whole red snapper being served in Kafe Bromo. It's delicious and interesting to see, having the big fish being carved by the chef and plated, with plenty of condiments to choose.

Whole Grilled Red Snapper

Roast Duck - Sheraton Hotel Surabaya


Chocolate Cake - Sheraton Hotel Surabaya
Urusan dessert hampir semua hotel berbintang lima biasanya cukup lezat, dengan pengecualian satu tempat ini, yang rasanya agak kurang pas, tapi platingnya ok.
Di Sheraton ini pilihan dessertnya beragam, dan kualitas rasanya sesuai dengan standard hotel bintang 5. Semuanya enak dan tidak terlalu manis, cocok untuk mengakhiri makan malam yang mengesankan ini.

Usually you can be assured that all five star hotel buffet would probably serve great tasting dessert. There's an expection though, dessert served there were pretty sub-par, although the presentation is quite nice.
In Sheraton, the selections are plentiful, and there's nothing but good tasting cakes and ice creams.
A perfect end to a delicious feast.

Opera Cake - Sheraton Hotel Surabaya
