Pronto Surabaya

All You Can Eat Italian Cuisine

Pronto Surabaya - Pizza with mayo

Resto makan sepuasnya cenderung mempunyai tempat spesial di hati orang Surabaya. Beberapa yang populer adalah duo Japanese Cocari & Hanamasa, dan yang menyediakan Dim Sum / Yam Cha : Fu Yuan
Satu resto all you can eat bertema masakan barat lainnya adalah American Grill, tapi konsepnya berbeda di mana kita beli main menu, sedangkan yang disajikan all you can eat adalah Salad dan Dessert bar-nya.

All you can eat is one of the popular kind of restaurant in Surabaya. People tend to get excited on the prospect of binge eating, so much so the most popular eateris in my blogs are all you can eat restaurants. Some of them are the Japanese duo Cocari & Hanamasa, and the Dim Sum proprietor : Fu Yuan
Another similar themed restaurant is American Grill which also serves western cuisine, the difference is, here you get to dine freely from their salad & dessert bar, when you order a main menu.

Pronto Restaurant - Sausage selection

Untuk makan di sini perlu merogoh kocek sebesar Rp 105.000, harga ini sedikit lebih ekonomis dibandingkan dengan Hanamasa yang mengenakan biaya Rp 125.000, tapi lebih tinggi dibanding tiga resto lainnya. Beda lainnya adalah di sini tidak ada proses masak mandiri seperti di Cocari / Hanamasa, jadi anda cukup pilih masakan yang sudah tersedia / buffet, sedangkan untuk daging mentah, sosis, atau pasta, bisa dipilih bahan mentahnya, lalu diberikan pada koki untuk dimasakkan.

As in all you can restaurant, they charge the patron by person. Each people need to fork out Rp 105.000 to dine here, which is a bit cheaper than Hanamasa that's costs Rp 125.000 but costs more than the other three. This restaurant is located right next to Hanamasa, unlike in Hanamasa, you don't need to cook your own food. They also serves raw ingredients that you can choose, but afterwards instead cooking it, you just need to give it to waiters, the chef will do the rest for you.

Pronto - Ribs

Pronto Restaurant - Onion Ring, Salad, Corn with Cream

Pronto Surabaya - Salad

Pronto Surabaya - Nasi Goreng / Fried Rice

Pronto Surabaya - Penne with Kimchi sauce

Resto Pronto - Grilled Sausage / Sosis Panggang

Pronto Restaurant

Jl. Kartini No. 8
Phone : (031) 568 - 2480, (031) 563 - 2011
