The Localist - Surabaya

Ex Coffee Corner

The Localist - Pancake with Crunchy Granola & Fruits (Rp 20.000)

Di Surabaya ada beberapa kafe kekinian yang ambiance dan kualitas masakannya cukup menarik, tapi tidak terlalu ramai, istilah kerennya "Hidden Gem"
Nah kali ini saya ingin post tentang satu tempat yang sesuai deskripsi di atas, The Localist.

There are some cafe and eateries in Surabaya, that have a decent tasting dish and nice ambiance, but still haven't gone popular yet, a hidden gem for us to find.
Today I'm posting such a place, in East Surabaya area, The Localist.

The Localist - V60 Coffee Drip

The Localist - Spaghetti Carbonara (Rp 40.000)
Resto satu ini ada di lantai 2 klinik mata di jalan Arif Rahman Hakim. Dahulunya tempat yang sama ditempati Coffee Corner, yang juga cukup populer terutama di kalangan mahasiswa.
Pemilik restonya tetap sama, tapi ada pergantian manajemen dan penyegaran konsep restonya, kalau dahulu lebih mengutamakan minuman ala kafe, kali ini porsi dan kualitas makanannya ditingkatkan.

This eatery is located in the second floor of a famous eye clinic, in Arif Rahman Hakim street, about 5 minutes from Galaxy Mall.
It's formerly occupied by Coffee Corner, a hangout place popular with college students. Both eateries have the same owner, but Localist is under a new management, with a new emphasize on food quality.

The Localist - Dining Area

The Localist

The Localist

The Localist - Sirloin Steak (Rp 100.000)
Sempat dengar selentingan kalau salah satu ex-chef resto "D" di jalan Sumatra termasuk tim dapurnya di sini, jadi kualitas makanannya termasuk cukup lumayan. Minimal saat test food steak ini rasanya ok dan tingkat kematangannya pas. 

Some of my dining partner mentioned that there's an ex-chef of a popular restaurant in Sumatra Street that also works here. Judging from the quality of the steak, I tend to believe that's true, this steak was cooked perfectly, with tender and succulent taste.

The Localist - Sirloin Steak (Rp 100.000)

The Localist - Open Face Smoked Beef Eggwich (Rp 35.000)

The Localist - Chicken Porridge (Rp 15.000)

The Localist - Pancake with Crunchy Granola & Fruits (Rp 20.000)

The Localist - Komik 9 (Rp 28.000)

The Localist -  Daun di Atas Bantal (Rp 28.000)

Coffee - Multitude of Brewing method

Walau sekarang sudah berganti menjadi the localist, untuk urusan kafenya tetap dijaga kualitasnya. Coffee mania bakal betah berlama-lama di sini, harga kopinya relatif terjangkau, dan didukung barista yang cukup handal.

True to their origin as a cafe, this place has a great quality coffee based beverage.
Coffee aficionado would feel at home here. Coffee here costs quite affordable and the barista are adept at making a great brew.

The Localist - Vietnam Drip
Selain dimanjakan dengan banyaknya pilihan metode seduh kopi, penikmat kopi juga diberikan pilihan biji kopi single origin yang cukup eksotis. V60 di atas menyeduh biji Preanger Red Honey, rasanya cukup halus dan bodynya mantap.

Apart from the vast selection of brewing method, we can also enjoy some exotic single origin coffee beans. On the v60 above, is Preanger Red Honey bean, a subtle tasting coffee with strong body.

The Localist - Latte Art

The Localist - Vietnamese Coffee

Untuk yang demen promosi, di sini tiap hari Rabu ada discount 50% untuk semua hidangan steak. Syaratnya hanya untuk dine in dan tidak digabung promosi lain, bisa dicoba untuk penggemar steak dengan authentic western taste.

For bargain hunters, there's a 50% off for all steak in this restaurant, every Wednesday.
The condition is only for dining in and can't be combined with other promotion. It's quite a great deal if they can maintain the same quality of dish.


The Localist - Menu

The Localist - Menu

The Localist - Menu

The Localist - Menu

The Localist - Menu

The Localist - Menu

The Localist

Address: Jalan Arief Rachman Hakim No.40, Jawa Timur
