House of Wok - East Coast Mall, Surabaya

House of Wok - East Coast Center

Resto Wok

Resto Wok - EC Mall
Alkisah saya dan teman mencoba mengunjungi mall di ujung paling Timur Surabaya ini, mallnya sendiri tidak terlalu ramai dan kebanyakan tenantnya menyediakan kebutuhan sehari-hari seperti tempat makan, supermarket dan furnitur.
Salah satu daya tarik (satu-satunya?) adalah gedung bioskop 21 yang relatif murah tarifnya.

Setelah selesai menonton film (kalau tidak salah Wreck It Ralph), kita sempat berjalan-jalan dahulu sambil mencari inspirasi tempat makan :D.
Inginnya mencari sesuatu yang agak unik dan sedang seleranya Chinese food.

A while back my and my friend went to this mall in the farthest east part of Surabaya. This particular mall is quite a laid back mall, which tenants provide daily needs such as restaurant, supermarket and furniture shop.
One of it's attraction, which might be fair to say, the only attraction here, is the cinema, which have the lowest admission fare, and attracts many teenager here.
When we've finished watching movie (Wreck It Ralph if I remember correctly), we stroll around the mall, looking for a good place to eat.

East Coast Center Mall, Mokko Factory - Donuts

East Coast Center Mall, Warung Ipang (Iga Panggang / Grilled Ribs)

Solaria - East Coast Center Mall Surabaya

Sebetulnya pilihan pertama jatuh ke Solaria dengan desain tempatnya yang unik dan menarik, sayangnya lokasi Solaria ini tepat di depan panggung, dan saat itu ada acara yang berkaitan dengan anak kecil, ramainya jadi luar biasa. 
Berhubung tidak mampu menikmati makanan dalam suasana bising, dengan berat hati kita pun meninggalkan posisi wenak yang sudah didapat di Solaria, dan mencari lokasi terjauh dari panggung tesebut, dan akhirnya pilihan akhir jatuh ke Wok

Our first choice wasn't Wok, we were attracted to the Solaria Restaurant, with it's eye catching design. Too bad this eatery is located right in front of the stage / atrium of the mall. On our visit, there was an event for kids, which makes the surrounding area really noisy.
Agreeing that we wont be able to savor any dish accompanied with the really loud noises, we canceled our plan to eat here, even though we've sat down :P

Looking for the farthest joint from the stage, we ended up in Wok.

Wok - Ayam Cabe Kering - Rp 31.000

Wok - Mie Goreng Kwan Tung - Rp 28.000 (2012)
Mie Goreng Kwantung @ Wok Sutos (2009)

 Rasa makanan yang dihidangkan ini cukup ok. Harganya juga tidak terlalu mahal, tapi seingat saya porsi di resto ini biasanya lebih banyak. Saat ini terasa porsinya biasa saja, tidak sedikit, tapi biasa saja. Berbeda dengan trademark awal tempat ini yang menyajikan makanan dengan porsi yang memuaskan.

The food tastes ok, with a decent price, but I remembered they used to have a bigger portioned food. One of the trademark of this restaurant used to be the big satiating portions. This particular dish wasn't skimping on portion, but it sure is a far cry from the usual big portions they usually serve.

Berikut foto menunya :

Here's a snapshot of their menu :

Taste                :  3  / 5

Atmosphere    :  3  / 5
Service            :  3  / 5
Value               :  3  / 5

House of Wok
East Coast Center
G floor
Phone : (031) 58208595    


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