Bakso Jagalan 87 [Surabaya]
Posh Street Food
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Bakso Jagalan 87 |
Penggemar Bakso di Surabaya tentu tahu bakso satu ini. Bakso Jagalan, sudah tersohor sejak jaman saya masih skul. Bakso di jalan Jagalan ini sebetulnya tidak hanya satu, ada lagi bakso pak Doel, tapi kalah beken jauh dibanding yang satu ini.
This is one of the most famous Bakso in Surabaya, it's been popular since my school days which is quite some time. The place is famously called Bakso Jagalan, though in fact there are other bakso vendor in the street, this one trumps them all in term of popularity.
Walau judulnya bakso dan bertempat di pinggir jalan, tapi jangan keburu berpikir kalau harganya murah. Bakso di sini harganya mengalahkan chicken steak dari resto terkenal di Surabaya malah. Saya sempat ke sini terakhir tahun 2012, saat itu sudah mulai blogging, tapi entah kenapa kok tidak saya masukkan ke sini liputannya. Setelah terima bon malam itu baru ingat alasannya, males masukin blog karena mahal buanget :p
Though it's a street food vendor and selling the humbly Bakso, don't be fooled thinking it's gonna be a cheap meal. Dining costs here rivals of a decent steak house in Surabaya. Before this, I last went here in 2012 and I didn't remember why, but I didn't blog about this place at the time, now I remember why, it's the shocking price that curbs my blogging appetite :D
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Bakso Jagalan 87 |
Walau harganya premium banget, untuk urusan tempat jangan berharap banyak. Tingkat kebersihan dan kenyamanannya tidak jauh berbeda dengan tempat kaki lima lainnya.
Though it's price are simlar to restaurant, don't expect much on the ambiance. It's similar to other street food vendor place, which is a bit barren and not so hygienic.
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Bakso Kikil Sapi porsi Besar - Rp 65.000 (Bakso Jagalan Surabaya) |
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Bakso Kikil Sapi porsi Besar - Rp 65.000 (Bakso Jagalan Surabaya) |
Rasa baksonya memang full daging, agak mirip bakwan tapi dengan kuah yang lebih pekat. Dua bakso yang ada kemiripan dengan tempat ini adalah Bakso Afung dan Bakso Pak Doel Jagalan
Their meatball/ bakso is full of meat, more like a bakwan which usually full of meat, rather than a typical bakso which usually more doughy. Two bakso which has similar taste to this are the Bakso Afung and Bakso Pak Doel ( the last one is also in the same street)
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Bakso Kikil Sapi porsi Besar - Rp 65.000 (Bakso Jagalan 87) |
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Bakso Jagalan 87 - Bakso Kikil porsi besar |
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Krupuk Bangka Snack |
Buat yang kelaparan selagi menunggu baksonya, bisa comot krupuk bangka yang ada di tiap meja.
This Cracker from Bangka is available in all tables, if you're too hungry to wait for the bakso, you can snack on this babies.
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Es Jeruk - Rp 12.500 (Bakso Jagalan 87) |
Sampai ke menu minumannya pun menyamai harga resto, es jeruknya setara dengan harga semangkok bakso di warung lain lol
Rasa Es Jeruknya sendiri memang sedikit lebih baik dibanding warung bakso yang kadang kurang banyak jeruknya.
Even their beverage menu can be compared to a full fledged restaurant price, for the same price of this orang juice, you'd get a bowl of bakso in other street food vendor.
Having said that, their OJ is a tad better compared to other bakso seller, which usually charges Rp 3.000 -Rp 5.000 for the same drink.
Having said that, their OJ is a tad better compared to other bakso seller, which usually charges Rp 3.000 -Rp 5.000 for the same drink.
Menu :
Menu Bakso Jagalan 87 |
Menu Bakso Jagalan 87 |
Bakso Jagalan 87
Jalan Jagalan no 87Telepon : 031-5328566
untuk rasanya biasa aja kan ? haha
ReplyDeleteakhirnya mampir komen disini
btw saya asli lawang seketeng, daerah jagalan situ aja.
seumur hidup cuma sekali makan dan nggak ada niat buat balik lagi, haha
suka heran kalo rame, ya namanya selera orang :D