The Bed Hostel - KLCC Kuala Lumpur
Luxurious Hostel in the heart of Kuala Lumpur
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The Bed Hostel Kuala Lumpur |
Libur natal sudah tiba, dan kali ini saya ingin share pengalaman ke salah satu tujuan favorit untuk wisata kuliner, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
kota satu ini biaya hidup relatif lebih rendah dibandingkan Surabaya, paling
tidak bisa dilihat dari terjangkaunya akomodasi dan makanan.
bintang 3 di kota Kuala Lumpur biasanya berkisar 300-500ribu, dengan beberapa
lebih mahal karena lokasinya ada di tengah tempat tujuan wisata seperti KLCC
dan Bukit Bintang.
Christmas have arrived, yay.
Thus today it seems fitting to share with you guys
about accommodation in one of my favorite destination for culinary adventures,
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
This city is a tad more affordable compared to
Surabaya, despite having a better infrastructures and public transport
You can easily find a cheap 3 star hotel around the
city for about $25 to $50, but if you go for the lower end of the deal, usually
it wont be near the tourist destinations area, such as Bukit Bintang and KLCC.
Kali ini saya ingin share tentang
pengalaman menginap di hostel terbaik yang pernah saya temui. Terbaik di sini
tidak hanya di Malaysia, tapi juga dibandingkan beberapa hostel yang pernah
saya inapi di Singapura dan Jepang.
TheBed Hostel, letaknya ada di vortex building, bisa dijangkau hanya dengan 10
menit jalan kaki dari KLCC
hostel ini cukup menarik untuk yang ingin kualitas bintang 3 dengan lokasi yang
This time I'd love to share with you guys about one of
my favorite hostel. It could easily be one of the best hostel compared to
anywhere else I've stayed in Singapore and Japan.
The Bed Hostel is located in Vortex building, which is
just 10 minutes walk away from Petronas Tower KLCC.
This hostel is a pretty neat facility, which rivals 3 star hotel in my opinion. Suitable for those who'd like to stay on a budget, getting a cozy bed and room, whilst being in the tourist hot spot.
This hostel is a pretty neat facility, which rivals 3 star hotel in my opinion. Suitable for those who'd like to stay on a budget, getting a cozy bed and room, whilst being in the tourist hot spot.
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Petronas Tower - KLCC Malaysia |
The Room
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The Bed Hostel - Capsule / Pods |
Sebagus-bagusnya hostel, ada faktor
luar yang selalu mempengaruhi kenyamanan tinggal kita, yaitu tamu hostel lainnya.
Kalau cukup beruntung, anda tidak bakal bertemu beberapa turis dari
negara-negara yang terkenal kurang adatnya, tapi biasanya sulit mau berharap
demikian saat harga kamar sedang murah, karena dalam satu ruangan kamar hostel
ada sekitar belasan capsule / pods.
roomate biasanya berkisar dari masalah klasik, ngorok... atau telepon dengan
suara lantang di dalam kamar. Kebiasaan telepon ala tarzan ini biasanya
dilakukan turis dari dua negara berpenduduk terbesar di dunia.
No matter how superb a hostel is, the staying
experience would depends on outside factor, such as your neighbors in the same
hostel room.
If you're lucky enough, you wont find some tourist
from backwater countries that lack proper etiquette. This usually isn't the
case where the hostel rates were being lowered, since those kind of tourist
would instantly flock the establishment.
The attitudes that bother me and other guests were
usually the classic, loud snoring, or talking on the phone with the ferocity of
tarzan calling his friends in the jungle.
This phoning habits are usually exclusive to tourists from 2 countries. Which country? Both have the highest number of populations (1st and 2nd place) which should be an easy
guess for you.
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The Bed Hostel KLCC - Bed and Storage |
Berikut foto-foto capsule / pods
yang pernah saya inapi di hostel ini. Ada juga video di bagian atas yang lebih
jelas menggambarkan situasi kamar dan hostel ini.
kedua ada juga di bagian info tentang sarapan hostel, di bawah foto-foto kamar
This are some photos of my capsule unit which I've
slept in. For a better illustration of the room, do check my youtube video
There's also a second video below, describing about
the breakfast experience in this hostel.
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The Bed Hostel - Bathroom (3rd floor) |
Kamar mandinya ada dua jenis, yang
di lantai 3 tiap kamar ada dua WC individual seperti di foto ini
Sedangkan di lantai 2, WC nya mirip seperti dormitory, digabung antara beberapa shower cubicle dan toilet. Bisa dilihat di video pertama di atas untuk situasi WC tersebut.
Sedangkan di lantai 2, WC nya mirip seperti dormitory, digabung antara beberapa shower cubicle dan toilet. Bisa dilihat di video pertama di atas untuk situasi WC tersebut.
There's 2 types of bathroom here, on the third floor
is pictured above, which is a private one.
Occupant of 2'nd floor will get a dormitory style bathroom with multiple shower cubicles and toilet in the same bathroom.
You can see this second floor bathroom on the video above, I took a video of them but didn't remember to take photo.
Occupant of 2'nd floor will get a dormitory style bathroom with multiple shower cubicles and toilet in the same bathroom.
You can see this second floor bathroom on the video above, I took a video of them but didn't remember to take photo.
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The Bed Hostel - Drinking Water |
Di Kuala Lumpur, airnya tidak bisa
diminum langsung, sama dengan di Surabaya, tidak seperti Singapore. Tidak perlu
khawatir untuk tamu hostel ini, karena di sini disediakan water dispenser untuk
memenuhi kebutuhan tamu.
In Kuala Lumpur, you can't drink the tap water,
similar to Surabaya and unlike Singapore.
But you needn't fret about getting mineral water here,
since they provide guests with drinking water dispenser in every floor of the
Breakfast & Communal Space
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The Bed Hostel - KLCC Kuala Lumpur |
Salah satu daya tarik hostel
dibanding hotel adalah pada kesempatan untuk mendapatkan teman travelling baru.
Biasanya saya mendapatkan teman ngobrol baru kalau menginap di hostelSingapura.
kalau di Kuala Lumpur, entah kenapa, biasanya tidak sampai ketemu teman baru,
hanya sekedar share kopi, basa basi sejenak.
tempat untuk berkumpul dan makan pagi biasanya ada di communal space seperti
yang ada di foto-foto ini.
One of the pros of staying in a hostel is a chance to
meet a fellow traveler and gain new friends. Which is frequently the case for
me when staying in Singapore hostel.
For Kuala Lumpur, I don't know why, but I never get a new companion of such. No particular reason though, both the tourist and staff seems similar to Singapore.
For Kuala Lumpur, I don't know why, but I never get a new companion of such. No particular reason though, both the tourist and staff seems similar to Singapore.
For those kind of experience, the communal space in a
hostel exist, which usually also doubles as breakfast area.
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The Bed Hostel - KLCC Kuala Lumpur |
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The Bed Hostel - KLCC Kuala Lumpur |
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The Bed Hostel - Vortex Building Kuala Lumpur |
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The Bed Hostel - Vortex Building - TV Room |
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The Bed Hostel Malaysia - Breakfast Buffet |
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The Bed Hostel Malaysia - Breakfast Table |
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The Bed Hostel Malaysia - Breakfast Buffet |
Menu breakfast hostel kebanyakan
tidak ada yang istimewa, hanya roti panggang / toast, cereal dan selai. Ada
beberapa pengecualian di Singapura, di mana hostel menyediakan
pula makanan panas seperti Mie Goreng, Macaroni Schottel dan makanan
demikian biasanya tarif per malamnya dua kali rate The Bed Hostel ini, jadi
makanannya tentu tidak bisa semewah itu.
demikian, sarapan di sini tidak melulu sereal dan toast saja, ada juga menu
sederhana harian yang berganti dari Nasi Lemak, Mie, dan Roti Canai dan Kare.
Hostel usually doesn't serve anything fancy for
breakfast, just toast or cereal, with bland instant coffee or tea.
There's some exception in Singapore's Hostel which I wrote about Here, some of this hostel offer good hot meals such as mie goreng, pastries, and such, also with decent espresso / cappuccino machine. But bear in mind, those hostel usually cost twice as expensive compared to The Bed that's being reviewed here.
Despite that, this establishment does offer an extra local dishes everyday.
Usually it's a choice between Nasi Lemak, Mie, or Roti Canai and Curry.
There's some exception in Singapore's Hostel which I wrote about Here, some of this hostel offer good hot meals such as mie goreng, pastries, and such, also with decent espresso / cappuccino machine. But bear in mind, those hostel usually cost twice as expensive compared to The Bed that's being reviewed here.
Despite that, this establishment does offer an extra local dishes everyday.
Usually it's a choice between Nasi Lemak, Mie, or Roti Canai and Curry.

Menu tambahan terbaik menurut saya
adalah roti Canai dan Kare ini, kalau menu mie dan nasi lemaknya sih, tidak
terlalu cocok dengan selera saya. Masih lebih suka toast dibandingkan dua menu
dilihat nasi lemaknya di video berikut :
I found the Roti Canai and Curry to be the best option, whilst the other two to be sub par.
I enjoyed the toast more in comparison to the Nasi Lemak and Mie.
You can see it in this video below :
Nice View from the Breakfast Area
The Bed Hostel
Jalan Sultan Ismail, KLCC, Kuala LumpurMalaysia
Rates & Booking : Agoda
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