Zion Hawker Food Center - Singapore

Hawker Center near Orchard Rd

Zion Food Center - Pork and Cabbage S$ 4.5

Kalau ada yang suka ngeluh makan di Singapura itu mahal, sebetulnya tidak sepenuhnya benar. Karena dibandingkan dua kota mahal lain, Tokyo dan Hongkong, Singapura sebetulnya termasuk lebih terjangkau kalau urusan perut

I've frequently heard people lament about the high cost of Singapore as a culinary destination, which I frequently found to be untrue.
This super strict city does have a lot of dining options which suits both high spender and thrifty tourist.

Singapura memang tempat dengan biaya hidup sangat tinggi, tertinggi di Asia Tenggara. Walaupun demikian, beda dengan dua negara di atas yang saya sebut, untuk ongkos makan masih banyak alternatif tempat makan dengan biaya di bawah 50rb rupiah per orang

Singapore is definitely one of the most expensive place to live in South East Asia, or even the world. Despite that, there's plenty of really cheap and great dining options, especially compared to those two similar metropolis.
Here you can easily find food well below S$5 per person to dine at.

Ricotta and Spinach Agnolotti Pasta with Truffle - SG $26

Contoh menu mahal tapi menarik ada di Atlas Bar ini. Per menu dihargai sekitar 20-50 S$
Tempatnya instagenic sekali, nanti akan kita tampilkan di blog ini pada post terpisah.

An example of a posh eatery with a beautiful ambiance is this Atlas Bar
Food here costs around 20-50 S$, and the options are quite nice though nothing special for our palates.
Will be featured on this blog in a few weeks time

Atlas Bar

Di sisi lain untuk penggemar makanan dan tidak terlalu perduli tempat instagenic, bisa kunjungi Tim Ho Wan yang mendapatkan Michellin Star. Asalnya dari Hong Kong, tapi di Singapura ada banyak sekali franchise resto satu ini. Malah lebih sering ketemu Tim Ho Wan di Singapura dibandingkan Hong Kong.

Tim Ho Wan Beef Noodle

Tim Ho Wan Siumay

Zion Food Center
Untuk backpacker, flashpacker dan turis sejenis, Hawker Center bakal jadi tempat jujugan yang menarik untuk dikunjungi.
Walau secara tempat tidak menarik, tapi kepuasan makan di sini tidak kalah dibandingkan dua tempat di atas.
Per orang, cukup keluarkan duit dari $3.5 hingga $7 untuk makan hingga kekenyangan.

For backpacker, flashpacker and tourists with similar budget, Hawker Center is definitely a great choice.
Though nothing to note about the ambiance, the culinary experience can rival those posh eateries I mention above.
You only have to fork out around S$ 3.5to S$ 7 per person.

Zion Food Center - Oyster Omelette S$ 5
Ada jenis makanan yang bisa disebut siap saji, seperti Singapore Chicken Rice, Wonton Noodle dan sejenisnya yang murah
Kalau untuk saya sendiri, lebih cocok keluar dana lebih sedikit untuk icip makanan yang dimasak dahulu per porsinya secara fresh, seperti Telur Tiram / Oyster Omelette di atas. 

There are the fast options which is prepared ahead of time such as Chicken Rice, Wonton Noodle etc
Whilst they also taste good, it can't hold a candle to their freshly cooked counterparts, such as this Oyster Omelette on above photo.
It might be a tad more expensive, but definitely worth the extra cost and waiting time.

Zion Food Center - Wonton Noodle S$ 3.5
Ada juga hawker center yang sudah mendapatkan penghargaan michelin Star seperti Soya Chicken di China Town. Kalau untuk selera saya sendiri, rasa masakan di hawker center aslinya masih lebih menarik dibandingkan yang sudah jadi franchise restaurant seperti si Soya Chicken

There's also a few hawker center stalls that were bestowed Michellin Stars, for example the famous Hkg Soya Chicken in Chinatown.
For me, I enjoy the hawker center food tastes which is bolder in taste and lack that restaurant refinements that sometime makes the food boring.

Zion Hawker Food Center

70 Zion Rd, Singapore 247792
Telepon : +65 1800 225 5632
