Xiaomi Yi M1 - Is It Worth It?
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Xiaomi Yi M1 Mirrorless Camera (taken from fonearena.com) |
Dari pameran foto
paling populer di Jerman, Photokina, kita disuguhi banyak kamera baru bulan
ini. Sony mengeluarkan DSLR A99 II yang akhirnya menjawab dahaga para pemakai
lensa A-Mount, Fuji melakukan langkah brilian dengan mengeluarkan kamera medium
format Fuji GFX, dan meninggalkan format full frame sehingga tidak terasa
overlapping dengan mirrorless Fuji X-seriesnya.
From Photokina 2016
we got a plethora of new toys to play with. Sony with the A99 II DSLR which
answered the prayers of many A-mount lens die hards, Fuji that takes a leap
over Full Frame to cross to Medium Format teritory with the Fuji GFX. Fuji
moves for me is a brilliant one, since this eliminates the biggest concern that I've been cautioning people about. That someday
Fuji might go Full Format 35mm and leaving all the Fuji X users in similar fate
to Nikon DX users back before Nikon D3 was released in 2007.
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Sony A99 II |
Meski banyak produk
dengan teknologi tinggi dan inovasi baru, kamera yang paling banyak mendapatkan
atensi di sosial media adalah kamera dengan teknologi jadul dan tanpa inovasi
baru, Xiaomi Yi M1. Kenapa banyak yang perhatian? karena produsen satu ini
adalah market distruptor paling kuat di dunia.
Despite all the
breakthrough and innovation, one product that garners the most chatter in my
social media is Xiaomi Yi M1, a mirrorless camera without any new technologies
inside it.
What's the fuss about
then? Xiaomi is one company whose presence are always as a market disruptor,
and they did a great job at it.
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2014-2015 Smartphone marketshare China - Taken from www.marketrealist.net |
Xiaomi, the Apple and Go Pro Alternatives
Sejak pertama muncul,
Xiaomi memiliki strategi untuk mengekor market leader di sektor yang ingin
dimasukinya, pertama dengan Handphone Xiaomi yang menyajikan specs tinggi
dengan harga terjangkau. Ditambah lagi desain handset yang mirip dengan Iphone.
Korban kedua Xiaomi adalah Go Pro, produsen action camera
terkemuka di USA yang produknya disaingi dengan specs setara dan harga yang
jauh lebih murah, untuk specs sama saya pernah melihat harga Xiaomi hanya 1/2
dari Go Pro.
Xiaomi have always
been a great follower, whose strategy is to mimic the market leader with a
similar specs and design, but with a much lower price. Apple was the first
company on their eye sight, followed by Go Pro, whose action camera market
share are also gobbled up by Xiaomi Yi.
You can read in this
link about Go Pro Hero vs Xiaomi Yi : http://www.newsshooter.com/2016/05/21/can-the-249-chinese-4k-yi-action-cam-beat-gopro-at-their-own-game/
Xiaomi M1 Pro & Cons
Key Specifications
- 20MP Four Thirds sensor
- 3" 1.04M-dot touchscreen LCD
- 81 Point Contrast Detect AF system rated to -4EV
- Touch to focus and one touch image capture
- 5fps continuous shooting
- 4K/30P video recording capability
- Built in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth LE
Membaca dari first hand experience beberapa reviewer dan spesifikasi dasar, ada beberapa hal yang menjadi kelemahan Xiaomi Yi, beberapa di antaranya :
- Tidak adanya View Finder / Jendela
- Tidak ada built in Flash
- Tidak ada Zoom in di Live Preview
/ Focus Magnifier
- Minimnya tombol (fitur-fitur
diakses melalui menu di LCD touchscreen)
- Micro 4/3 CMOS sensor (bukan
Yang perlu saya jelaskan
mungkin point 3 tentang focus magnifier. Biasanya kamera mirrorless tidak
terlalu cepat dalam focus, jadi dalam kondisi cahaya tidak optimal, saya suka
menggunakan focus manual. Untuk memastikan focus manual tepat, perlu fitur
focus magnifier, yaitu saat live preview / tampilan gambar langsung di LCD /
EVF, saya bisa zoom in untuk memperbesar tampilan live preview dan memastikan
apakah titik yang saya bidik sudah terfokus dengan baik
Berikut Video tentang
proses focus tersebut :
About the Xiaomi M1 first impressions and it's chart, there are some features
that is lacking on the camera, here are some of them :
- No Optical /
Electronic Viewfinder
- No Built in
- Can't Zoom in in
Live Preview / Focus Magnifier mode not available
- Very few
physical buttons (you access the features from the LCD Touch Screen menu)
- Micro 4/3 CMOS
sensor instead of APS-c
you can watch the video of focus magnifier process in case you're not familiar
with it.
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Xiaomi Yi M1 with 42.5mm f/1.8 lens and 12-24mm f/3.5-5.6 lens |
The Xiaomi M1 Competitors?
Untuk harga sekitar Rp
4.400.000 dengan lensa kit 12-40mm f3.5-5.6 , kebanyakan kamera mirrorless
generasi terbaru masih lebih mahal, jadi kompetitor utamanya mungkin dengan
kamera generasi terdahulu seperti Olympus EPL6, Panasonic GF7, Sony A5000 dan
Canon EOS M3, dan sebagian besarnya masih lebih mahal juga dibandingkan
Walaupun demikian kamera
dari produsen kawakan tersebut memiliki flash built in (sebagian memiliki sensor
lebih besar) dan fitur-fitur lengkap serta desainnya lebih memperhatikan
kebutuhan fotografer yang perlu banyak tombol yang ergonomis.
(dual kit lens 12-40mm & 42,5mm f1.8 = $450)
On the
price level of $330 or about Rp 4.400.000 with 12-40mm f3.5-5.6 lens kit, all
new entry level mirrorless seems a tad more expensive, so the other camera that
competes on that price level are the previous generations camera, such as
Olympus EPL6, Panasonic GF7, Sony A5000 and Canon EOS M3, and some of them are
still much more expensive compared to M1.
that, the other cameras have built in flash (some have bigger sensors) and a
great features, none of them took the spartan design that M1 uses.
(The Dual kit lens 12-40mm & 42.5mm f/1.8 costs $450)
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Leica M - Backside Buttons |
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Xiaomi Yi M1 - Backside Buttons |
Ada yang bilang desain
Xiaomi Yi M1 ini mengambil inspirasi dari Leica M9, sayangnya yang diambil
hanya tampilan tampak depan semata, tombol-tombol serta dial di M9 jauh lebih
banyak dan penempatannya pas, sedangkan M1 bagian belakangnya bisa dilihat,
lebih mirip MP4 player jadul sayangnya.
says that Xiaomi Yi M1 takes Leica M9 as its design inspiration, too bad they
only took the appearance of M9, the ergonomic buttons and design were scraped
for something much more barren.
Meninjau beberapa hal di
atas, menurut saya Xiaomi Yi M1 cocok untuk penghobi fotografi baru yang ingin
upgrade dari kamera HP. Tapi penggunanya perlu paham kalau banyak fitur yang
tidak sama dengan kamera konvensional.
Kamera ini jadi Air-Asia nya dunia kamera :)
Kamera ini jadi Air-Asia nya dunia kamera :)
Saat Xiaomi Yi Action
camera diluncurkan, banyak yang mengkritik karena tidak adanya LCD sehingga
untuk akses gambarnya diperlukan HP.
Walaupun demikian, action camera tersebut tetap meledak di pasaran karena memilki segmentasi pasar yang berbeda dari Go Pro.
Walaupun demikian, action camera tersebut tetap meledak di pasaran karena memilki segmentasi pasar yang berbeda dari Go Pro.
Jadi tinggal menunggu waktu
untuk melihat apakah mirrorless pertama Xiaomi ini bakal sesukses action
cameranya, menurut saya asal tidak ada kekeliruan fatal seperti respon kamera
terlalu lambat dsb, saya rasa kamera ini bakal cukup diminati.
preliminary conclusion is that this camera would be suitable for someone
wanting to own their first mirrorless camera, upgrading from their phone built
in cameras.
But user need to know, that design-wise (usability and ergonomic issue) this camera is a different approach altogether compared with traditional camera maker.
This is the Air-Asia equivalent for cameras :)
But user need to know, that design-wise (usability and ergonomic issue) this camera is a different approach altogether compared with traditional camera maker.
This is the Air-Asia equivalent for cameras :)
took the same route when designing their action camera, sans LCD viewer, and it
did great in the market still.
time, we'll see if the same formula works on the mirrorless camera.
This is a video of a hands-on experience from a Chinese youtube video maker, you can see a bit of the camera performance here.
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