Fragrance Riverside Hotel (Clarke Quay)
Affordable Hotel with Swimming Pool
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Fragrance Riverside Hotel Review |
Kali ini saya akan
mengulas hotel di Singapura yang cukup populer di kalangan wisatawan Indonesia
dan Filipina, Fragrance Riverside di Clarke Quay.
Today my blogpost is
about a popular hotel in Singapore, which is well liked by Philippines and
Indonesian tourists, Fragrance Riverside hotel in Clarke Quay.
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Fragrance Riverside Singapore Hotel - Superior (cheapest) Room |
Tiap hotel ada
keunggulan dan kekurangan masing-masing, pertama mari kita ulas beberapa cons
dahulu sebelum membahas pros untuk memilih tempat ini.
hotels has their own pros and cons, I like to assess the cons first before
laying out whats good about this place.
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Fragrance Riverside Singapore Hotel |
Kamar ini saya dapatkan dengan biaya sekitar Rp 900.000,- via Agoda, bisa klik link ini untuk cek harga terbaru.
Yang perlu disoroti, kamar satu ini di situs-situs booking hotel baik Agoda maupun adalah deskripsi kamarnya kurang jujur. Saya baru tahu kalau mendapatkan kamar tanpa jendela saat check in.
Biasanya hotel lain akan menampilkan informasi, kalau kamar yang kita pilih adalah kamar tanpa jendela, salah satu contohnya bisa dilihat di bella bello hotel KL yang saya review tempo hari.
This room was booked for me for approximately Rp 900.000,- per night via Agoda, you can check the going rate here.
The problem is, in Agoda they didn't mention that the cheapest room is without window.
This is both in Agoda and, no mention of windowless room, I found out that the room I booked were windowless upon check in.
It's common for other numerous hotel to offer windowless room, but they always states it in the booking information.
![]() | Screen Capture - Fragrance Riverside with the so-called Subway Access |
Di sini selain tidak menampilkan bahwa kamar yang dibooking adalah kamar tanpa jendela, di situs malah ditampilkan adanya akses subway di hotel. Yang benar, akses subway terdekat adalah di Central Mall, dan untuk ke sana perlu jalan sekitar 7 menit, menaiki jembatan penyebrangan, dan turun ke subway di bawah mall.
Second problem I have with the booking information is they stated that this hotel has SUBWAY ACCESS, which it didn't. The closest subway is about 7 minute walk, you have to get across a crossing bridge too, so to label the hotel as having Subway Access for me is a bit misleading.
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Fragrance Riverside Hotel - Superior Room bathroom |
Kamar di Fragrance
Hotel relatif sempit, kamar mandinya pun juga cukup mini. Hanya tersedia
ruangan ala kadar, antara kakus dan showernya tidak ada pemisah yang jelas.
Desain seperti ini menurut saya cukup menganggu, jadi kalau anda termasuk
perhatian dengan kualitas kamar mandi hotel, lebih baik pilih kamar atau tempat
With the narrow and
windowless room, you get a similarly claustrophobic bathroom. There's only
ample space, and no distinctive perimeter between the closet and the shower, so
it's a jumble of mess design-wise. If you're particularly finicky about bathroom
(as I am), you'd be better off finding other room.
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Fragrance Riverside Hotel - Room Amenities, no Fridge |
Salah satu fasilitas
yang biasanya saya perlukan adalah lemari es, di sini sayangnya tidak ada.
Butuhnya biasanya untuk menyimpan susu pasteurisasi dan es batu untuk membuat
vietnam drip coffee / ca phe sua nong di pagi hari. Berhubung tidak ada lemari
es, kopi harian saya buat dengan menggunakan bahan klasik vietnam coffee, susu
kental manis.
My morning ritual,
being a caffeine addict, usually consist of making Vietnam coffee or ca phe sua
nong. For that reason I usually would love to have a fridge in the room, for
keeping ice cube (ca phe sua da in the afternoon) and pasteurized milk, which
would go sour in a day without fridge.
This room sadly had no refrigerator, so I'm left to use a classic Vietnam coffee milk, which is the condensed milk, which need no fridge, and could last a very long time in room temperature. The only hassle is that you'd need a can opener, which the hotel also didn't have (asked to borrow from the receptionist)
This room sadly had no refrigerator, so I'm left to use a classic Vietnam coffee milk, which is the condensed milk, which need no fridge, and could last a very long time in room temperature. The only hassle is that you'd need a can opener, which the hotel also didn't have (asked to borrow from the receptionist)
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Fragrance Riverside Singapore Hotel - Hallway |
Surrounding Area
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Hotel 81 Singapore |
Close to Fragrance Hotel, in the Chinatown area, I stumble upon this lovely looking hotel. It costs around the same amount of money, with what seems to be a better room with window, what they lack is a swimming pool, which is available in Fragrance Riverside. If you want to check the latest price, use this link, Hotel 81.
Swimming Pool
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Fragrance Riverside Singapore - Swimming Pool Area |
Walau saya kurang
cocok dengan hotel satu ini, untuk pembaca mungkin perlu dipertimbangkan
menginap di sini kalau membawa anak kecil, atau penghobi berenang. Untuk saya
sendiri selama 5 hari menginap di sini hanya sempat 1x renang.
Though I'm not a
particular fan of this hotel, they do offer one thing that's hard to beat for
the price level, a swimming pool in the rooftop. This would be great if you
really like swimming, or you have kids that does. I myself spent 5 days here,
but only manage to swim once, I quite like swimming but I think I enjoy walking
around the city much more.
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Fragrance Clarke Quay Singapore - Swimming Pool Area |
Sometime the pool can feel a bit cramped though, since the hotel are popular and plenty of occupants uses the pool frequently.
For those wanting a swimming pool facility, with hotel location adjacent to the city center, it's hard to beat this hotel for the price level
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Fragrance Clarke Quay Singapore - Swimming Pool Area |
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Fragrance Clarke Quay Singapore - Small Fitness Center |
Fragrance Riverside Hotel (Clarke Quay Singapore)
Hongkong StreetPhone : +65 6636 0888
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