Platter Crazy BBQ

Platter All You Can Eat AYCE Surabaya

Platter AYCE Klampis

Ikut meramaikan pasar AYCE di Surabaya, platter sekarang menyediakan BBQ sepuasnya. Untuk yang belum tahu platter, brand ini terkenal dengan hidangan mirip Pepper Lunch tapi jauh lebih terjangkau.

Surabaya have been one of the hotbed of all you can eat restaurant. Started with Hanamasa and Cocari way back when, and nowadays, there's one AYCE joint in every corner of the street.
This one is from Platter, which started as a economical copy of Pepper Lunch.

Platter AYCE Surabaya - Suki

Dengan harga 88k saja, kita bisa memilih mau hidangan AYCE atau model suki seperti di atas. Kalau menurut saya, rasa yakiniku / BBQ nya lebih  cocok selera, walaupun tidak terlalu bisa makan sausnya yang manis
Kalau kuah sukinya cenderung sedikit kurang nendang, tapi tetap bisa dinikmati

With only IDR 88k, you can get the option of Suki or BBQ Grill, as photographed above.
For my taste bud, I prefer the BBQ choice, since it has bolder taste in comparison to the soup. It's catered to local taste bud so the taste is a bit on the sweeter side. The BBQ sauce is also a bit too sweet for me, but I can easily just skip them and just use salt and pepper instead.

Seperti biasanya, untuk acara undangan / endorsement, makanan yang disajikan biasanya lebih terjaga QCnya, dan kali ini pun demikian. Rasa dagingnya fresh, dan tidak ada keluhan tentang kualitasnya.
Pengalaman makan pembaca blog bisa saja berbeda, kalau ingin berbagi pengalaman pribadi, bisa langsung cuz ke bagian komen di bawah

As in all invitation / food endorsement situation, the food we tried are usually good, and that's the case during our visit to this eatery.
Experience can vary though, so do let us know if you find it different.

Platter AYCE Klampis - Grilled Beef

Platter AYCE Surabaya - Grilled Beef

Platter Crazy BBQ

Details on our IG : Thefoodgrapher
