Hotel Tugu Malang (Part II) - Afternoon Tea

Afternoon tea, alias minum teh di sore hari ini adalah salah satu paket yang didapat  saat menginap di Hotel Tugu, terlepas dari jenis kamar yang anda inapi. Untuk penggemar kuliner jangan sampai melepaskan kesempatan ini saat menginap di Hotel Tugu.

One of the perks of staying in the lovely Hotel Tugu is the Afternoon Tea package, which is complimentary to every guest regardless of room types. You foodie really shouldn't miss this feast while staying here.

Biasanya disediakan mulai sore hari, sajiannya lengkap berupa snack, jajan pasar, kacang, kue apem dan banyak pilihan lain.
Di Samping jajan pasar yang bisa diambil sendiri, disediakan pula bubur sumsum 
Minumannya ada beberapa racikan jamu, teh dan kopi 

As the name suggest, this feast are served during afternoon hours, starting 3 pm if I remember correctly.
They serves lots of kueh / Indonesian sweet and savory cakes, along with peanuts and other choices of snacks.
Apart from the snacks that's on display, you can also order their other desserts such as sweet glutinous rice ball in reduced coconut milk soup / bubur sumsum dan jenang grandul.
A vast selection of coffee, tea and jamu (herbal drinks) are also available.

Hotel Tugu Malang - Afternoon Tea

Hotel Tugu Malang - Afternoon Tea

Hotel Tugu Malang - Afternoon Tea

Hotel Tugu Malang - Afternoon Tea - Bubur Sumsum / Jenang Grandul

Hotel Tugu Malang - Afternoon Tea - Tea and Coffee Selection

Hotel Tugu Malang - Afternoon Tea

Hotel Tugu - Kacang Rebus / Steamed Peanut

Hotel Tugu Malang Afternoon Tea

Hotel Tugu Malang Afternoon Tea - Kue Putu Ayu

Hotel Tugu - Outdoor Balcony Area
Tempat yang disediakan untuk afternoon tea ini terletak di lantai dua, ada area indoor dan outdoor yang bisa digunakan, keduanya sama nyaman dan menarik sebagai tempat menikmati teh di kala sore.

The venue for afternoon tea is in the second floor of the hotel, situated near the balcony which can also be used for enjoying the dishes. Both palce are equally beautiful and comfortable.

Hotel Tugu Malang Afternoon Tea - Plush & Comfy Seatings

Hotel Tugu Malang - Afternoon Tea

Hotel Tugu Malang - Afternoon Tea

Hotel Tugu Malang - Afternoon Tea

Hotel Tugu Malang - Afternoon Tea

Sesudah afternoon tea, untuk menurunkan perut bisa jalan-jalan ke lantai dasar, tempat pubnya berada. Di tempat yang sama terdapat display barang-barang kerajinan dan perhiasan yang cukup menarik.

After snacking you can head downstairs to visit their pubs and restaurant area, they have a lovely display of knick knacks and jewelries that is interesting to browse.

Hotel Tugu Malang

Jl. Tugu no. 3 • Malang • Indonesia
Tel. +62-341-363891
Fax. +62-341-362747
Reservation & general inquiries:
Sales & marketing
For Booking Please Visit : Hotel Tugu


  1. please visit sabata ramen @ east coast center surabaya (patos FR10)


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