Kudos Cafe Surabaya

Another Instagenic Cafe

Setiap bulan di Surabaya ada beberapa kafe baru yang membuka gerai. Tempat-tempat ini biasanya cukup menarik tampilannya, dan seringkali ramai ga ketulungan saat awal buka.

Every month it seems there's a new cafe opening up shop in Surabaya. This cafes are usually quite elaborately designed and it's always packed at their early opening.

Kudos Cafe Surabaya
Kali ini yang kita sambangi adalah Kudos Cafe, kafe baru di dekat Kabinet dan Moi Village, di Pakuwon Square.

This time we went to the new and upcoming cafe, Kudos. It's located in Pakuwon Square, near Kabinet Cafe and Moi Village Chinese Restaurant.

Kudos Cafe Surabaya

Seperti yang saya utarakan di atas, tempatnya cukup cantik desainnya, dan unik. Untuk bisa masuk ke dalam bangunan kafe perlu naik tangga dahulu.
Karena tahu pelanggan bakal malas naik tangga yang ala kadar, maka suasana di sekitar tangganya dibikin cantik untuk selfie, lumayan untuk menambah mood.

The place were nicely designed and there's plenty of unique features. To get inside first you need to take the stair. Knowing well that this would feel tedious, they pimped the staircase, beautiful greeneries at both side, prompting you to take selfies in the premise.

Sebelumnya kita ke sini saat weekend, tapi susah mendapat tempat. Berhubung sudah terlanjur lapar, saat itu diputuskan untuk ke Moi Village di sebelahnya, walau sama-sama ramai dan antri, Moi Village lebih luas dan kebanyakan pelanggan tidak hangout lama seperti di cafe.

We went here on weekend, a couple of weeks ago, but it was quite hard to find a seat. After waiting for half an hour or so, we decided to opt for Moi Village next door. Though it also have a line, the Chinese eatery had bigger capacity and people seldom hangout too long here, so the line disperse quicker.

Kudos Cafe Chicken Alfredo - Rp 28.000 (before tax)

Menunya tidak terlampau ambisius, hanya selembar untuk makanan dan satu lagi minuman. Biasanya kalau menu simple begini kita bisa berharap banyak tentang kualitas rasa masakannya. Sayang kali ini tidak demikian, terutama untuk makanannya.

Their menu is quite simple, just one page each for beverage and food. This usually tells me that the eatery put it focus on taste and quality over choices, which is what I like to see. This time though, it isn't the case, especially regarding the food.

Kudos Cafe Chicken Alfredo - Rp 28.000 (before tax)

Chicken Alfredonya tampil cukup cantik, sayangnya terasa hambar. Padahal sudah ada potongan daun bumbu masak, mungkin parsley atau oregano, tapi tidak berhasil mengangkat citarasanya.

The Chicken Alfredo were decently plated, too bad it didn't taste good, plain and dull. Though they put some herbs, probably chopped parsley or oregano, it didn't do much to enhance the taste.

Open Oven Bistro Pizza - side note & comparison

Open Oven Bistro

Open Oven Bistro
Kebetulan di hari yang sama kita menghadiri undangan food tasting di Open Oven bistro jln Tidar, rasa pizza nya yang bertoping keju (warna merah) lebih cocok untuk selera kita. Tapi perlu dicatat juga, berhubung undangan, bisa jadi makanan yang disajikan lebih prima dibandingkan hari biasa.

As it happen, earlier for lunch we were invited for a food tasting in Open Oven Bistro, which is located in Tidar Street. The red crusted pizza above were much to our liking.
Please bear in mind though, that this were food tasting event, so the food served that time probably had better QC compared to regular everyday servings.

Back to Kudos's Pizza

Kudos Cafe 4 Cheese Pizza - Rp 45.000
Kedua pizza ini, baik 4 Cheese Pizza maupun pizza merah di Open Oven bistro sama-sama berlimpah topping keju, tapi rasanya jauh berbeda.
4 Cheese pizza dari kudos sedikit banyak terasa seperti roti dibandingkan italian pizza. Topping kejunya juga terlalu banyak keju cheddar (keju standard kraft), tidak terlalu terasa varian lain selain mozzarella-nya.

The pizza I mentioned above, open oven bistro's red pizza is also a pizza loaded with cheese, but the taste is world apart from this 4 Cheese Pizza.
The 4 Cheese Pizza taste reminds me too much of bakery made 'pizza' bread, which is miles away from the genuine italian pizza. They say 4 cheese pizza, but I can't tell if there any other cheese other than cheddar and mozzarella.  

Kudos Cafe 4 Cheese Pizza - Rp 45.000 (before tax)
Sempat menyampaikan di kasir kalau dua makanannya terasa hambar, sekaligus tanya menu yang paling enak di sini apa, rekomendasinya Salmon & Leek Pasta (Rp 40.000), yang ingin coba makanan di sini mungkin bisa pertimbangkan menu satu itu, kalau sudah ada yang pernah coba bisa juga coret-coret di bawah untuk kasih masukan ke sesama pecinta kuliner.

I mentioned to the cashier that their food that day were bland, and asked what's her recommendation, and she said Salmon & Leek Pasta (Rp 40.000). If you want to try that menu, it's probably a tad better than this two dish we tried. Do leave a comment if you've tried it, or if you got other recommendation in mind for fellow food hunter.

Kudos Cafe Lemon Mojito - Rp 26.000 (before tax)

Kalau makanannya terasa plain, minumannya sebaliknya, terasa nikmat. Lemon Mojito ini salah satu minuman mocktail yang paling saya sukai akhir-akhir ini. Rasanya tercampur pas antara lemon dan daun mint. Bedanya apa dengan mojito biasa? bedanya mojito standard memakai jeruk nipis / lime.

While the food left much to be desired, the beverage were quite delicious.
The lemon mojito got my thumbs up, it's one of my favorite mocktail as of late. The lemon and mint blended nicely.

Kudos Cafe Ice Chocolate - Rp 33.000 (before tax)
Yang biasa minum chocolate beverage di luar pasti pernah minum ice chocolate yang dibuat dengan melelehkan coklat batangan asli, tapi kalau di Surabaya, mayoritas biasanya berasal dari minuman bubuk. Nah rasa ice chocolate di Kudos sepertinya mirip dengan minuman coklat bubuk, tapi tetap enak untuk standard Surabaya.

You can't expect much from chocolate drink in Surabaya, usually they're made using powdered chocolate rather than melting a chocolate bar, which has a creamier richer taste. That being said, this ice chocolate from Kudos were probably a powder based drink, but for Surabaya standards, it's quite nice.

Selfie sejenak sebelum minta pizza dibungkus

Kudos Cafe tempatnya cukup menarik, penggemar kafe kekinian bakal cocok di sini, selama tidak berharap banyak ke service dan makanan. 
Masalah service bukan maksud saya bukan sampai tidak perhatian atau sejenisnya, tapi karena kafenya masih baru, jadi bakal sedikit kewalahan melayani semua tamu, terutama kalau duduknya di lantai teratas seperti kita.
Andai suatu saat diajak berkunjung ke sini lagi, saya bakal pesan minuman saja dan menikmati suasana hangout yang nyaman di sini, makannya pilih di seberang yang banyak western food atau ke Moi Village di sebelah.

The place is quite nice, you can definitely enjoy the place though it's crowded and expect the service to be a tad slow.
If you had a low expectation on the food and service, you surely would enjoy the rest of the place has to offer, which is a nice ambiance and good beverage.


Kudos Cafe Menu

Kudos Cafe Menu

Kudos Cafe

Pakuwon Square AK2 no 3
Jam Buka 09.00 - 22.00 (Selasa Libur - Closed for Tuesday)
